Pete Noell brought this article to my attention and thought we should share it on the blog. I agree! I also enjoyed many other press releases and articles about the good work our troops are doing in Iraq on the Operation Iraqi Freedom website. It is rewarding to think of all the good that will come of our combined efforts! Thank you everyone for your support!
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory
APO AE 09342
RELEASE No. 20070921-08
September 21, 2007
Zafaraniyah youths get soccer balls, uniforms
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq — Youth soccer teams in the Zafaraniyah section of eastern Baghdad have a new set of equipment and uniforms thanks to Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces.
Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, joined with their counterparts from the 1st Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army Division to distribute uniforms and soccer balls to children on Zafaraniyah soccer teams Sept. 16. Each team received 15 sets of uniforms and three soccer balls. A 9th IA training officer, Lt. Col. Adel Salaam, made the presentation.
“By handing out this soccer equipment to the children of Zafaraniyah, we can build spirit between the children of the area,” Salaam said. “It is one of the ways to get close to the Iraqi citizens and to build a strong relationship between us.”
He noted that sports can help bridge differences.
“We consider soccer to be the best way to foster attachment to the Iraqi community,” Salaam said. “We are working on another plan to distribute stationery to the school children.”
FOR QUERIES, CONTACT MULT-NATIONAL DIVISION - BAGHDAD PUBLIC AFFAIRS, MNDB_PAO_CIC@MND-B.ARMY.MIL This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it OR BY PHONE AT COMMERCIAL (914) 822-8174 OR IRAQNA 011-964-890-192-4674.