Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thank you letter from Iraq!

We recently received this lovely e-mail from one of the Chaplains in Iraq who we sent soccer balls and equipment to.

Dear Eric's Goal:

Please accept my attached "Thank you Letter" for both, your prayers and the care packages that you provided to our Soldiers in the past year. I want to take this moment before leaving this country after a 12 month deployment from Iraq to thank you for your love, prayers, and the time and effort that you put into sending items for our Soldiers. As we continue our mission in Iraq it is a blessing to receive support from home. We are able to take the items that you sent along with other boxes and distribute them to service members in our unit. Although you may receive no contact from individual Soldiers, please know that each of your care packages were appreciated and that we thank you for thinking of us during this time. Thank you for your powerful prayers for our Soldiers and all the support you have provided.

May God bless you.

1-77th Field Artillery Battalion "Falcons First"

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