Thursday, January 17, 2008

Berkeley Jets Soccer Team

Tim Wagner and fellow Berkeley Jets (Berkeley, CA) team mates have made contributions to Eric's Goal several times now! In 2007 they collected monetary donations which were used to purchase and ship soccer balls to our soldiers in Iraq. In late 2007 Tim collected uniforms for the Iraqi children and they were sent just last week.

Thank you Berkeley Jets, and especially Tim Wagner for your continued support! It is great to see donations coming from generous people across America, from coast to coast!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Weiser High School Auto Club Donation!!

We received a donation all the way from Idaho! The "knucklebusters" of the Weiser High School Auto Club got together with the help of their advisor, Don Schultz to collect soccer balls for the Iraqi children. They sent us 15 soccer balls, 2 jerseys, 1 ball pump, 3 basketballs & 1 playground ball!

Thank you knucklebusters! Your donations have been sent to American military personel for distribution to the Iraqi children!