Monday, April 19, 2010

Tricia Davis' Cub Scout Den, Millersville, MD collects for ERIC's GOAL!

Mrs. Tricia Davis' Millersville Cub Scout Den collected soccer balls and items for Iraqi children earlier this year. Their donations along with another, were sent to Airman Mike Songer who recently helped to distribute them to children in orphanages in Iraq. Mike is working on getting copies of the photos taken during the delivery and we will post them when received!

Thank you to Tricia Davis and her Cub Scout Den! There should be many excited Iraqi children playing with you donated goods at this very moment!

Below is a list of the items collected:

Soccer Balls: 36

Pairs of Socks: 89

Net Bag: 1

Cleats: 27

Shin Guards: 16

Goalie Gloves: 1

Jerseys: 58

Pennies: 5

Pair of Shorts: 25

T-shirts: 11

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