Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Welcome Home Eric!

>Eric returned home on November 20th, 2006 We are so fortunate to have Eric back in the U.S.A. and were thrilled to watch his plane arrive and to be able to greet him in person at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky! The top photo is of Eric and his dearest one, Virginia, who was ecstatic to welcome him home! The bottom one is of Eric and his proud & happy parents (Nick & Trudy).

Eric continues to work toward his goal of sending 5,000 soccer balls to the Iraqi children and has made contacts with several other American soldiers to assist us. LT George Webb, LT Corey Steiner and their platoons are currently receiving your donations and handing them out to the Iraqi kids! Our heartfelt thanks to George & Corey for adding this task to their very hectic, busy schedules. Look for photos from LT Webb and LT Steiner to be posted in the future.
We have now passed the 3,000 mark! As of this date we have sent 3,018 soccer balls to American soldiers for distribution to the Iraqi children!

Shirley Crook continues to send soccer balls received from The Old Stevensville Barber Shop and Easton Volunteer Fire Department on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Many thanks to Shirley for her constant efforts to help the Iraqi kids and to support our troops!

We purchased a box of 36 soccer balls and 4 pumps from Sports Authority using donations from Perry Hall United Methodist Church! We order boxes of 36 soccer balls and 4 pumps each from Sports Authority whenever our donations will cover one box! Another box will be ordered shortly.

Happy New Year to all of our supporters and contributors! We wish you the best in 2007!

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